Research in Sports Science
Original Article

A Look at the Relationship between Modernization and Sports: The Case of the A.R.O.G Movie


Sakarya Uygulamalı Bilimler Üniversitesi, Spor Yöneticiliği Bölümü, Sakarya, Türkiye

RISS 2021; 11: 1-5
DOI: 10.5152/rss.2021.21003
Read: 6239 Downloads: 1232 Published: 04 August 2021

Changes in the society are sometimes slow, sometimes fast but necessarily a continuing phenomenon with a painful process. This phenomenon, especially after the 17th century, has also penetrated into sports, modernization has also become visible in sports. Changes and developments seen in sports progress interactively with modernization. As sports and modernization progressed like a spiral that affects each other, from time to time directly, sometimes indirectly and implicitly, this situation has also been reflected in the works of art. “Does sports play a role in the development and modernization of society? If so, what role does it play?” Although such questions are not clear in the world of the 21st century, it can be seen in some works of art how and in which aspects sports can support modernization in society. One of these works of art is the A.R.O.G movie. The purpose of this research is to explain how sports has an effect on modernization with the metaphors presented to the audience in the A.R.O.G movie. In the study, the data were collected by document analysis method and the obtained data were analyzed by metaphor analysis and document analysis methods. As a result of the examinations, the connection of sports with modernization was seen as metaphors/tropes in A.R.O.G.

Cite this article as: Narin, M., & Kolayiş, H. (2021). A Look at the relationship between modernization and sports: The case of the A.R.O.G movie. Research in Sports Science, 11(1), 1-5.

EISSN 2687-3907