Research in Sports Science

Comparison Of Resting Metabolic Rate And Some Antropometic Measures Of Body Builder, Person Who Go To The Gym (Fitness Group) and Sedentary


İÜ Spor Bilimleri Fakültesi Hareket ve Antrenman Bilimleri Abd.


İ.Ü. Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Yüksekokulu Hareket ve Antrenman Bilimleri ABD

RISS 2015; 5: 1-16
Read: 5424 Downloads: 1134 Published: 28 November 2019

The aim of this study was to compare the resting metabolic rate and some antropometric measures of male bodybuiders (They exercise intensity hypertrophy traning), physical active (they exercise intensity aerobic training and low intensity strength training) person and sedentars.
Study consisted of 81 (27,49 ± 5,65); male subjects; 24 bodybuilders, 36 physical active and 21 sedentary person. Height, weight, resting metabolic rate and bioimpedance were measured for resarch. ANOVA test was used. For the control of multiple comparisons Bonferronni correction was used. Significance level was accepted as (p<0.05). Pearson correlation used for correlation analysis (p˂0,05).
The resting metabolic rate of bodybuilders and physical active group were high than sedentary (p<0.01) and two group (bodybuilders and physical active group) were similar. İn bioimpedance measerues; Fat free mass, fat mass and total body water were found differance in groups (bodybuilders and physical active group and sedentary). Additioanlly resting metabolic rate and fat free mass of participants were found positive correlation (p<0,05), Resting metabolic rate and fat mass were not found correlation between groups
İn conclusion; Resting metabolic rate and fat free mass of bodybuilders and physical active groups are similar and resting metabolic rate and fat free mass of this two groups are high than sedentary, Threre are positive correlation between resting metabolic rate and fat free mass. All this results show us; resting metabolic rate not change depending on the type and intesity of training. The main factors that affect the resting metabolic rate is fat free mass. 

EISSN 2687-3907