Research in Sports Science
Original Article

Total Quality Dimensions In Sports Services


Gazi Üniversitesi, Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Yüksek Okulu

RISS 2011; 3: 13-17
Read: 5243 Downloads: 1185 Published: 04 December 2019

Total Quality Management which is a modern management approach, is the integration of all functions and process for continious improvment within an organization and accepted as a tool in today’s competitive market conditions, in order to acheive the costumer satisfaction. TQM approach has started to use extensively in service sector, because modern countries which is started to provide most of national income from service sector and most of the workers take parts in this sector, in spite of the present aim of this approach is to increase the quality of goods. In manifacture sectors some quality dimensions were devoloped to produce quality products. Because of the different specialites of services make the direct application of the same dimensions in service sector is imposible, so different "quality dimensions" were developed for service sector to improve the service qulity. "Quality Dimensions" is an important concept for increasing the satisfaction of custumer, improve understaning of quality service and place the quality standarts in some parts of services. In sport service industry, organizations must give the necessary attention to quality dimensions for increasing or at least continuing the present requirements of custumers sport programs needs.

EISSN 2687-3907