Research in Sports Science

Examination of the Effect of Sports on Aggression and Social Adjustment Levels in Autistic Children



RISS 2017; 7: 25-33
Read: 8625 Downloads: 1511 Published: 27 December 2017

Theaim of this study to make an examination of agression and social adjusmentlevel autistic chilren in terms of gender, age, family income level, parenteducation status. Samplingwas consisted of 70 autism children chosen live in Kayseri provinces. Scaleswere completed by parents on the behavior they observe by the families ofautistic individuals. Statistical analyses of data that was acquired fromPersonal Information Form, Social Adjusment Scale and Agression Scale were donethrough IBMM SPSS 20.0 package program. For thespecification of the normality situation; normal distribution curves, Kolmogorov-Smirnovtest results were analyzed. Personal information and inventory total points belong to candidateswere given with the determination of frequency (f) and percentage (%) values.To reveal thedifferences between the scores obtained from the scales were used for sex andsport participation indepentent t  test,while for age, monthly income and parents education level one way ANOVA testwere applied . In addition to for putting forward the relationship betweenscales the Pearson Momentums Multiplications Correlation analysis (r) wereapplied.Consequently;  that were acquiredfrom research,  it was determined thatdepend on gender, age, family income and parents education status , there wasnot a difference at a meaningful, aggression and social adjustment levelwhile,  there was a difference at ameaningful level found in doing sport and don’t do . İn addition to itwas inferred that there was a statistical negative relationship betweenagression  levels and social adjusment.

EISSN 2687-3907