Research in Sports Science

Identifying the Levels of Self-Confidence of High School Students


Düzce Üniversitesi Spor Bilimleri Fakültesi


Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi

RISS 2018; 8: 37-48
Read: 4663 Downloads: 1054 Published: 11 November 2019

Aim of this study is determine whether the levels of high school students vary according to their gender, participation/nonparticipation in sports activities, and staying/not staying in students hostels or not. The universe of this study consisted of a total of 2504 students that attended Bolu Science High School and TOBB Zübeyde Hanım Girls Vocational and Technical High School in 2017-1028 academic year, whereas the sample of this study was made up of 438 students from both schools. In the study, self-confidence scale developed by Akın (2007), and the reliability and validity of which was proven, was used. The scores that can be obtained from the scale range between 33 and 165. The analysis and the interpretation of the data gathered through the scale were carried out in computer environment. The scores about the students’levels of self-confidence were described by using arithmetic means ( ) and the standard deviations (sd). When the data showed normal distribution, Independent Sample Test was used in comparing two groups, and Mann Whitney U Tests were used to compare the groups when the data did not show normal distribution. The significance level was accepted as (p<0,05). In comparing the levels of self-confidence of high school students in terms of where they stay, no statistically significant difference was found (p>0,05). Similarly, no statistical difference was found when the students’ levels of self-confidence were compared according to their gender (p>0,05). No statistical difference was found in their levels of self-confidence according to the gender of the students who stay at their homes (p>0,05). No statistical difference was found in their levels of self-confidence according to the gender of the students who stay in dormitories (p>0,05). However, there was a statistically meaningful difference between their levels of selfconfidence in terms of whether they participate in sports activities or not (p<0,05). In comparing the levels of selfconfidence of those who are engaged in sports, no statistical difference was found according to their gender (p>0,05). In comparing the levels of self-confidence of those who are not engaged in sports, no statistical difference was found according to their gender (p>0,05). 

EISSN 2687-3907