Research in Sports Science
Original Articles

Exploring the Interplay Between Orthorexia Nervosa and Exercise Addiction in the Pursuit of Optimal Well-Being


Department of Physical Education and Sports Teaching, Trakya University, Kırkpınar Faculty of Sports Science, Edirne, Türkiye


Department of Coaching Education, Trakya University, Kırkpınar Faculty of Sports Science, Edirne, Türkiye


Department of Recreation, Trakya University, Kırkpınar Faculty of Sports Science, Edirne, Türkiye


İstanbul Esenyurt University, Faculty of Arts and Socials Sciences, Psychology, İstanbul, Türkiye

RISS 2024; 14: 64-72
DOI: 10.5152/rss.2024.24007
Read: 333 Downloads: 158 Published: 30 September 2024

This study aimed to determine the exercise addiction levels and orthorexia nervosa tendencies of individuals who exercise and to reveal the relationship between them. For this purpose, a correlational screening model, a quantitative research method, was used. “Exercise Addiction Scale (EAS)” developed by Demir, Hazar and Cicioğlu (2018), “ORTO-11 Scale” developed by Donini et al. (2005) and adapted to Turkish by Arusoğlu (2008), and a personal information form prepared by researchers were used in research. As a result, a significant relationship was determined between orthorexia nervosa and exercise addiction. Given the strong association between eating disorders and exercise addiction, future studies might benefit from qualitative research, systematic reviews, or meta-analyses to investigate the relationship between personality types and different types of eating disorders, and to examine the connection between personality traits and the levels of physical exercise.

Cite this article as: Erduğan, F., Sülün, F., Asena Uzun, E., & Özdemir, D. (2024). Exploring the interplay between orthorexia nervosa and exercise addiction in the pursuit of optimal well-being. Research in Sports Science, 14(2), 64-72.

EISSN 2687-3907