Research in Sports Science

The Influence of Physical, Physiological and Biomotor Characteristics in Determining Young Female Footballer Profile


Marmara Üniversitesi Spor Bilimleri Fakültesi

RISS 2017; 7: 1-12
Read: 5030 Downloads: 1153 Published: 27 November 2019

Purpose: The physical characteristics such as high-intensity running performance, repeated sprint ability and speed contribute to elite performance, along with the tactical and technical qualities of a successful match in football. The aim of the study in this context is to evaluate some physical and motoristic characteristics of the young female footballers at the national level and try to create a database that will help determine the female footballer profile. 

Method: In our study, 20 female (age: 17,9 ± 1,37, weight: 56,9 ± 7,09 kg and height: 165,1 ± 08 cm.) team of football players were participated. 20 m shuttle run test, repetitive sprint test and force test were applied to the athletes. Pearson correlation was performed and descriptive statistics (averages and standard deviations) for all values. The level of significance was determined as p <0.05. 

Findings: There was a relationship between anthropometric characteristics and repeates sprint values and endurance capacity in female soccer players (p <0,05). In addition, there is a relationship between fatigue index values with the repeated sprint average (r = .599), best sprint (r = 870) and final lactate (r = 508) and the best sprint has a positive correlation between repeated sprint mean (r = 847), final lactate values (r = 526) and maximal vertical jump (r = -403). In addition, negative correlation was found between repeated sprint final lactate values and sprint end pulse values (r = - 415) and maxVo2 value and sprint mean value (r = -499) (p <0,05). All other parameters were not statistically related to each other (p> 0,05). 

Discussion: The importance of VO2max, repetitive sprinting ability, total distance and number of ball contacts made in soccer play are important (Helgerud et al., 2001). For this reason, the ability to complete repetitive sprints during a match can affect the outcome of a football match. Coaches should not ignore the practice of training that can improve the maximum acceleration rate or the strength development rate and power capacity and at the same time the ability to complete repetitive maximal effort.


EISSN 2687-3907