Research in Sports Science
Original Article

The Evaluation Of Sport Injuries Types And Rates Of Young Basketball Players in Different Aged Categorization In Istanbul’s Sport Clubs


İstanbul Üniversitesi Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Yüksekokulu


M.Ü. Sağlık Eğitim Fakültesi

RISS 2011; 3: 24-28
Read: 5270 Downloads: 1179 Published: 04 December 2019

The serious injuries during sport activity for young basketball players are mostly threat for their future sport life. There is important appropriate training number, time, duration and warm-up and cool-down periods before and after training for prevented injuries. Therefore, this study planned and applied to the evaluation of sport injuries types and rates of young basket players in different aged categorization. This study was performed totally 248 young basketball players (women 74 (%29.8), men 174 (%70.2) in different aged categorization (playing basketball approximately 2.53±1.12 years). Istanbul University, Istanbul Technical University, Darüssafaka, Dacka, Isık, Ülker, Efes Pilsen, Bakırköy Sport Club and Yıldırım Bosna players were studied in this study. The interview was performed face to face and prepared questionnary forms were filled by all subjects. Collected data were combined and collated in tables. The collated data were analysed using descriptive statistics (mean, sd, frequency) with SPSS 11.5 program. Paticipated players data (61 (24.2%) very small, 118 (47.2%) small, 30 (11.7%) star, 38 (14.9%) young players were evaluated. There were found serious injuries rates 31.6%, cessation to activity 86.7% all players in last two years. Especially foot-foot ankle (41.4%), knee (22.2%), lumbal region (11.1%), shoulder- upper extremities (10.1%) injuries were determined.The attention preventive rules before, during and after the training and player’s health knowledge were very important for players health and sport life. Especially young players were made conscious for very long sport life and high performance.

EISSN 2687-3907