Research in Sports Science
Original Article

Analysis Of Job Satisfaction Levels Of The Administrators At The Central Office Of General Directorate Of Youth & Sports


Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Yüksekokulu / Bolu

RISS 2011; 3: 29-34
Read: 4834 Downloads: 1121 Published: 04 December 2019

The purpose of this study was to determine the job satisfaction levels of administrators working at the central office of the General Directorate of Youth & Sport, to determine the problems within each one of the 6 basic needs (Type of Adminnistration, Work Opportunites, Development and Promotion Opportunities, Colleages, Physical Enviroment, Sallary), and to analyse the job satisfaction levels whit-in indipendant variables. 100 administrators of the central ofice of General Directorate of Youth&Sport Were surveyed (15 females and 85 males). In this study, as measuring device job satisfaction scale (JSS) and Frequencies, t-test ant One Way ANOVA statistical methods were used. There were significant diffrences in job satisfaction levels among administrators working in different departments (p<0.01) for each one of the 6 basic needs. There were also significant differences in job satisfaction levels among administrators at different statues (p<0.05) for one of the 6 basic needs. But there were no significant differences found among groups of Age, Sex, Education Level and Administritive Position. As a conclusıons; At the central office of the “Department Worked” is effective at all 6 basic needs but, Statues of administrators is effective only at the basic needs of “Development and Promotion Opportunities”

EISSN 2687-3907