Research in Sports Science

Examining The Effect Of Advertisement On The Consumer Preferences Of Sports Sciences Students In Terms Of Different Variables


Marmara Üniversitesi Spor Bilimleri Fakültesi Öğrencisi


Marmara Üniversitesi Spor Bilimleri Fakültesi Öğretim Üyesi

RISS 2018; 8: 124-145
Read: 9634 Downloads: 1650 Published: 20 September 2019

The purpose of this study is examining the effect of advertisement on the consumer preferences of sports sciences students. It was evaluated whether there is a significant difference between the consumer preferences of sport sciences students by discussing their demographic variables. An application, where the Marmara University Sports Sciences students participated in, was made in the study.
The screening and examination models were used in the study by benefiting from the qualitative and quantitative research methods as the data collection technique. The relationship between advertisement and sports is determined by evaluating the advertisement and the factors related to advertisement. In the data collection part; a personal information form was created, and the demographic information of students and the effects of advertisement on the product preferences were examined. The Post Graduate Study of Orhan (2011) and Okumuş (2015) named “The RoleofAdvertisement in the Determination of Consumers” Attitudes With Regard to Brand Preferences” was benefited in the application part as the data collection scale. As it is voluntary basis, attendance of participating students to their university education and being full age were the prerequisites to take part in the study.
As a result of the evaluation of the criterion; the expressions of participating students, as “I believe the products advertised in media are better quality” and “Advertisements enable me to choose the proper product” have revealed that advertisement is the determining factor for preferring the proper product. It was concluded within the scope of the marital status variable of sportsmen that advertisement creates a significant difference in preference of the products, and the “single” sportsmen are more likely to prefer advertisement in choosing products compared to “married” ones. Sportsmen in the group of “18-30” years old mentioned that advertisement is more effective in their product preferences compared to the sportsmen in the group of “31-40” years old. It was also found out that advertisements are more effective in the product preferences of sportsmen working as “Civil Servant” compared to other groups.

EISSN 2687-3907